Does Style Matter In Financial Modeling

Style Matters In Financial Modeling

Let's say you're perusing the want ads and come upon an ad for an equity analyst. The pay is great; there are travel opportunities. It looks like the job for you. Glancing down the list of qualifications, you mentally check off each one:

  • Bachelor's in engineering or mathematics - check
  • Master's in economics or business administration - check
  • Curious, creative thinker - check
  • Can interpret financial statements - check
  • Strong technical analytical skills - check
  • Modeling experience required - check, no wait, better get some 8x10 glossies made up.
The truth is, when companies want their equity analysts to have modeling experience they don't care how photogenic they are. What the term refers to is an important and complicated part of equity analysis known as financial modeling. In this article, we'll explore what a financial model is and how to create one. (To learn more about a job as an equity analyst, see Becoming A Financial Analyst.)

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